
Showing posts from September, 2020

Dinner Guest

I have been experiencing some wicked heartburn, indigestion, and reflux lately. My question to my dear friend Beth on our group call in the Peace with Food and Soul program I have been in was how to identify triggers and causes and potential remedies because I have been eating tums like it's 2001 (in 2001 I was preggers with my oldest son and legit should have bought stock). So I am fully expecting that we are going to explore foods or exercises or even ways to sit....I could never have anticipated how our conversation was going to turn. I studied behavioral health in college so the connection should have been something that I would have at least pondered somewhere in my subconscious, but alas, it didn't bubble up even as a whisper. "Do you trust yourself with food?"  Beth asked me with genuine curiosity. ..... ummmmm ..... "Nope," I said.  "Huh, no I do not."  Now there is so much that I know about nutrition. On this journey to find healing I hav