
Showing posts from 2019

Brace Yourself.

I go to buy a coffee after a 4am wake up and a string of I don't even know how many days straight of crazy stress. No. No coffee. I turn to face my travel companion. She, having just stirred in a little sugar, samples the hot tasty goodness of the apparent LAST cup of coffee gold. So relegating myself to the task of finding some overpriced alternative, I look up in the middle of my search only to see that the man who had been standing behind me walk away with nothing other than a cup of coffee. WTF? Where is Alanis Morissette when you need her? Digging in my purse I discover that I may have forgotten my coin purse full of the local currency I opt to pay for my 5 Euro half cup of yogurt with blueberries with my VISA. Swipe one...the card won't read. No problem. With determination, I whip out my Mastercard... NOPE on that one too. I stare at the European goddess in front of me behind the cash register wielding all her "its impossible" power. My companion leans ove

Missing Piece

How do you spend time together over the summer with your kiddos?               We usually spend the summer with a dream itinerary of swimming pools, gelato, traveling, bible study/prayer time, a goal of a certain number of books to read and brushing up on the next level in Math and English so that the boys start the year with lots of confidence. Oh and sweet snuggles.             Reality looks a little different. We end up with full schedules of training for football, Daddy goes TDY most of the summer so our trips get cut by half, the dog has to be neutered and the price for pet sitting goes up so the trips would have to be less extravagant anyway because coupled with the bazillion unplanned van repairs on our 15-year-old Ruby and the news that we will PCS a full year sooner than expected we have less cash flow. (Not the worst problems to have but not the dream list)                 We have managed to keep on our Bible study but the Math prep...ehem...yeah right.  I am not comfor

Begin Again

If obsessing with weight, and general perfectionistic narcissism and procrastination were superpowers I have them. I am the winningest winner of those issues...okay add humility lacking in the above diagnostic list and we have Cass. The truth is, like you, I am a lot of things. I am a woman (maybe like you, maybe not). I am the daughter of a heavenly king, and an earthly hero, I am the wife of the most really in true life fairytale love servant leader and soldier (yep...all wrapped up in one blue-eyed hot hubby) and mama to two wicked smart, handsome, genuinely awesome young men and a shepherd pup and his sister cat. Like you, my life is full of stress, craziness and joy and unfathomable love. I am on a mission to live joyfully. That has been my insta hashtag for forever but today...TODAY....I embrace it in a new way. I really want to embrace happy, manage stress, lose fat, be healthy, and be a good human. If I can "be less of a jerk" like Dan Harris says that would be