Dear Coach

Writing this letter has been something I have been gnawing on for some time and while I have debated my approach, lost my hair, cried some tears, and balled my fists I realize like so much of the human experience I surely am not the only one who may feel my plight.

Friends, in this letter is the PERSON we refer to lovingly as "coach". Meaning the human being I entrust my most precious treasures to, and I do so with a few expectations. The person the dictionary says a coach is, is:
  1. "one who instructs or trains <an acting coach> <a birth coach>especially  :  one who instructs players in the fundamentals of a sport and directs team strategy <a football coach> <a pitching coach> <a gymnastics coach>" -Merriam -Webster DictionaryFor the Purpose of this letter I will use the sports coach.

First, I want to thank you. 


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